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Nove mogućnosti u GNU Pascalu

Ova stranica je direktan izvadak iz GPC priručnika. Ako želite pregledavati priručnik možete početi na vrhu priručnika ili na odgovarajućoj stranici u priručniku.

2 New Features of GNU Pascal.

GPC's new or changed features since the last (non alpha/beta) GPC release are listed here. Items without further description refer to new routines, variables or options.

Features implemented for compatibility to other compilers are marked with, e.g., (B) for BP compatibility.

A few old and obsolete features have been dropped or replaced by cleaner, more flexible or otherwise more useful ones. This might lead to minor problems with old code, but we suppose they're rare and easy to overcome. Backward-incompatible changes are marked with (@).

Have fun,

The GNU Pascal Development Team

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We are not responsible for the contents of web pages referenced by this site.

Copyright © 1996-2005 GNU Pascal development team

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