Extended Pascal treats files quite differently from Borland Pascal. GPC supports both forms, even in mixed ways, and provides many extensions.
@@ A lot missing here
function FileSize (FileName : String) : LongInt; var f: bindable file [0 .. MaxInt] of Char; b: BindingType; begin Unbind (f); b := Binding (f); b.Name := FileName; Bind(f, b); b := Binding(f); SeekRead (f, 0); if Empty (f) then FileSize := 0 else FileSize := LastPosition (f) + 1; Unbind(f); end;
Prospero's Extended Pascal has a bug in this case. Replace the MaxInt in the type definition of f by a sufficiently large integer. GNU Pascal works correct in this case.
soon as possible and a Get
as late as possible. This should
avoid most of the problems sometimes considered to be the most
stupid feature of Pascal. When passing a file buffer as parameter
the buffer is validated when the parameter is passed.
program DirectAccessFileDemo; type DFile = file [1 .. 100] of Integer; var F: DFile; P, N: 1 .. 100; begin Rewrite (F); P := 42; N := 17; SeekWrite (F, P); Write (F, N) end.
The following direct access routines may be applied to a direct access file:
SeekRead (F, N); { Open file in inspection mode, seek to record N }
SeekWrite (F, N); { Open file in generation mode, seek to record N }
SeekUpdate (F, N); { Open file in update mode, seek to record N }
Update (F); { Writes F^, position not changed. F^ kept. }
p := Position (F); { Yield the current record number }
p := LastPosition (F); { Yield the last record number in file }
If the file is open for inspection or update, Get
may be applied.
If the file is open for generation or update, Put
may be applied.
program AssignTextDemo; var t: Text; Line: String (4096); begin Assign (t, 'mytext.txt'); Reset (t); while not EOF (t) do begin ReadLn (t, Line); WriteLn (Line) end end.
GPC supports these routines when applied to files. The compiler will reject binding of other object types.
Only the fields Bound and Name of the predefined record type BindingType are required by Extended Pascal. Additionally, GPC implements some extensions. For the full definition of BindingType, see BindingType.
The following is an example of binding:
program BindingDemo (Input, Output, f); var f: bindable Text; b: BindingType; procedure BindFile (var f: Text); var b: BindingType; begin Unbind (f); b := Binding (f); repeat Write ('Enter a file name: '); ReadLn (b.Name); Bind (f, b); b := Binding (f); if not b.Bound then WriteLn ('File not bound -- try again.') until b.Bound end; begin BindFile (f); { Now the file f is bound to an external file. We can use the implementation defined fields of BindingType to check if the file exists and is readable, writable or executable. } b := Binding (f); Write ('The file '); if b.Existing then WriteLn ('exists.') else WriteLn ('does not exist.'); Write ('It is '); if not b.Readable then Write ('not '); Write ('readable, '); if not b.Writable then Write ('not '); Write ('writable and '); if not b.Executable then Write ('not '); WriteLn ('executable.') end.
Note that Prospero's Pascal defaults to creating the file if it does
not exists! You need to use Prospero's local addition of setting
to True
to work-around this. GPC does not
behave like this.