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6.15.6 Turbo Power compatibility, etc.

The following listing contains the interface of the GPCUtil unit.

This unit provides some utility routines for compatibility to some units available for BP, like some Turbo Power units.

     { Some utility routines for compatibility to some units available
       for BP, like some Turbo Power units.
       Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       Authors: Prof. Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku <>
                Frank Heckenbach <>
       This file is part of GNU Pascal.
       GNU Pascal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
       by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
       option) any later version.
       GNU Pascal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
       WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       General Public License for more details.
       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       along with GNU Pascal; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
       Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
       02111-1307, USA.
       As a special exception, if you link this file with files compiled
       with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
       the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
       License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
       reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU
       General Public License. }
     {$if __GPC_RELEASE__ < 20030412}
     {$error This unit requires GPC release 20030412 or newer.}
     module GPCUtil;
     export GPCUtil = all
             { Return the current working directory }
             GetCurrentDirectory => ThisDirectory,
             { Does a directory exist? }
             DirectoryExists => IsDirectory,
             { Does file name s exist? }
             FileExists => ExistFile,
             { Return just the directory path of Path. Returns
               DirSelf + DirSeparator if Path contains no directory. }
             DirFromPath => JustPathName,
             { Return just the file name part without extension of Path.
               Empty if Path contains no file name. }
             NameFromPath => JustFileName,
             { Return just the extension of Path. Empty if Path contains
               no extension. }
             ExtFromPath => JustExtension,
             { Return the full pathname of Path }
             FExpand => FullPathName,
             { Add a DirSeparator to the end of s if there is not
               already one. }
             ForceAddDirSeparator => AddBackSlash,
             { Return a string stripped of leading spaces }
             TrimLeftStr => TrimLead,
             { Return a string stripped of trailing spaces }
             TrimRightStr => TrimTrail,
             { Return a string stripped of leading and trailing spaces }
             TrimBothStr => Trim,
             { Convert a string to lowercase }
             LoCaseStr => StLoCase,
             { Convert a string to uppercase }
             UpCaseStr => StUpCase
     import GPC;
     { Replace all occurences of OldC with NewC in s and return the
       result }
     function  ReplaceChar (const s: String; OldC, NewC: Char) = Res:
     { Break a string into 2 parts, using Ch as a marker }
     function  BreakStr (const Src: String; var Dest1, Dest2: String; ch:
       Char): Boolean; attribute (ignorable);
     { Convert a CString to an Integer }
     function  PChar2Int (s: CString) = i: Integer;
     { Convert a CString to a LongInt }
     function  PChar2Long (s: CString) = i: LongInt;
     { Convert a CString to a Double }
     function  PChar2Double (s: CString) = x: Double;
     { Search for s as an executable in the path and return its location
       (full pathname) }
     function  PathLocate (const s: String): TString;
     { Copy file Src to Dest and return the number of bytes written }
     function  CopyFile (const Src, Dest: String; BufSize: Integer):
       LongInt; attribute (ignorable);
     { Copy file Src to Dest and return the number of bytes written;
       report the number of bytes written versus total size of the source
       file }
     function  CopyFileEx (const Src, Dest: String; BufSize: Integer;
       function Report (Reached, Total: LongInt): LongInt) = BytesCopied:
       LongInt; attribute (ignorable);
     { Turbo Power compatibility }
     { Execute the program prog. Dummy1 and Dummy2 are for compatibility
       only; they are ignored. }
     function  ExecDos (const Prog: String; Dummy1: Boolean; Dummy2:
       Pointer): Integer; attribute (ignorable);
     { Return whether Src exists in the path as an executable -- if so
       return its full location in Dest }
     function  ExistOnPath (const Src: String; var Dest: String) =
       Existing: Boolean;
     { Change the extension of s to Ext (do not include the dot!) }
     function  ForceExtension (const s, Ext: String) = Res: TString;
     { Convert Integer to PChar; uses NewCString to allocate memory for
       the result, so you must call StrDispose to free the memory later }
     function  Int2PChar (i: Integer): PChar;
     { Convert Integer to string }
     function  Int2Str (i: Integer) = s: TString;
     { Convert string to Integer }
     function  Str2Int (const s: String; var i: Integer): Boolean;
       attribute (ignorable);
     { Convert string to LongInt }
     function  Str2Long (const s: String; var i: LongInt): Boolean;
       attribute (ignorable);
     { Convert string to Double }
     function  Str2Real (const s: String; var i: Double): Boolean;
       attribute (ignorable);
     { Return a string right-padded to length Len with ch }
     function  PadCh (const s: String; ch: Char; Len: Integer) = Padded:
     { Return a string right-padded to length Len with spaces }
     function  Pad (const s: String; Len: Integer): TString;
     { Return a string left-padded to length Len with ch }
     function  LeftPadCh (const s: String; ch: Char; Len: Byte) = Padded:
     { Return a string left-padded to length Len with blanks }
     function  LeftPad (const s: String; Len: Integer): TString;
     { Uniform access to big memory blocks for GPC and BP. Of course, for
       programs that are meant only for GPC, you can use the usual
       New/Dispose routines. But for programs that should compile with
       GPC and BP, you can use the following routines for GPC. In the GPC
       unit for BP (gpc-bp.pas), you can find emulations for BP that try
       to provide access to as much memory as possible, despite the
       limitations of BP. The drawback is that this memory cannot be used
       freely, but only with the following moving routines. }
       PBigMem = ^TBigMem;
       TBigMem (MaxNumber: SizeType) = record
         { Public fields }
         Number, BlockSize: SizeType;
         Mappable: Boolean;
         { Private fields }
         Pointers: array [1 .. Max (1, MaxNumber)] of ^Byte
     { Note: the number of blocks actually allocated may be smaller than
       WantedNumber. Check the Number field of the result. }
     function  AllocateBigMem (WantedNumber, aBlockSize: SizeType;
       WantMappable: Boolean) = p: PBigMem;
     procedure DisposeBigMem (p: PBigMem);
     procedure MoveToBigMem (var Source; p: PBigMem; BlockNumber:
     procedure MoveFromBigMem (p: PBigMem; BlockNumber: SizeType; var
     { Maps a big memory block into normal addressable memory and returns
       its address. The memory must have been allocated with
       WantMappable = True. The mapping is only valid until the next
       MapBigMem call. }
     function  MapBigMem (p: PBigMem; BlockNumber: SizeType): Pointer;